BRTTS is assembled and heading North!
The following were camping together Saturday night at Cache Creek, BC
Barney Gaylord - MGA - Naperville, IL
Carol Risz - Same MGA - San Antonio, TX
Bob Nogueira - Morgan +4 - Dallas, TX
Dick Criswell - MGB-GT V8 - Camarillo, CA
John & Gladys McNaughton - Morgan 4/4 - Los Angeles, CA
Ross MacPherson - MG-TC - Vancouver, BC
Ross (that's me) camped with the group for two nights then travelled along
with the caravan as far
as 100 Mile House then turned for home, about a 600 mile round trip.
(Obviously I made it.)
All cars are still proceeding under their own power. Barney's MGA was run
off the road on 5/29
(his first day out) by a pair of semi's, side swipped a guard rail and
damaged the trailer. Took
one day for trailer repairs and forged on.
Bob's Morgan incurred two flat tires on 6/2 (his first day out) On 6/3 he
ordered up 4 new tubes to
be delivered to the UPS depot in Casper, WY. Picked up on 6/4 PM.
Barney's MGA developed very low compression on the new engine on 6/3, likely
badly carboned
up from running very rich. He lowered the floats1/4" and then lowered th SU
needles .050" to
tune it properly. Two days of hard driving cleared out some of the carbon
and compression
improved from a range of 100 - 65 up to 120 - 90, still driving. The
starter motor needed minor
repairs on the evening of 6/6, the water pump was replaced at camp the
evening of 6/7 because of a
broken mounting ear on an aluminum pump. Buy iron if you can!
Bob's Morgan has undergone a few front end alighnments and now seems to be
handling okay.
Dick's B-GT is leaking a lot of oil. ( Had my first ride in a B-V8..... I
NEED one!)
John and Gladys' Morgan is just purring along.
Ross's TC developed a loose fan this morning, was promptly tightened back up
and while that was
going on an oil leak at a loose banjo fitting on the oil filter was noticed
(thanks again Dick!) and
tightened up too! (who put this thing together, anyway?)
Carol's laptop was okay until 6/5 after a nasty hail and rain storm when the
power supply took on a
bit of water and gave up some Lucasaide. We were out of e-mail for one-day
so we bought a new
laptop.....should be back on line soon.
Goodbye to Ross, we're on a roll!
Greetings to the Net, send replies to <>
Barney, Carol, Bob, Dick, John, Gladys & Ross ( with an "O")