At 08:01 PM 6/5/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Everyone:
>Need some advice regarding procurement of MGB Front Axle Stubs for my
>67B. I just removed the old stubs from my 66B parts car; to be used as
>rebuild cores. Question, are there any reliable suppliers out there that
>you can trust, sell good quality rebuilt stubs, at a decent price? I
>have had a lot of schlock parts and material from the so called expert
>suppliers. I would hate to re-install these stubs and find out that they
>not rebushed/reamed/shimmed correctly. Would appreciate any assistance.
> Thanks: Rich Boris
Hi Rich,
I bought axle stubs from the Roadster Factory for my 73B a few years ago
and have been pleased with them. The workmanship was very good and as a
matter of fact my mechanic ordered a set for his personal B after he
installed mine. Another friend got a set for his 74B after seeing mine so
that's three satisfied customers. Maybe I should get a commision? We all
agreeed this route was easer than buying a reamer and trying to do it
ourselves. This isn't a big plug for TRF, just telling my experence with
their rebuilt parts.
Good Luck, Don Walton in NC