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Re: British Car Week

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: British Car Week
From: Ross MacPherson <>
Date: Sun, 18 May 1997 20:09:10 -0700
At 06:05 PM 5/17/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Here in sunny California, Saturday, May 17th, has been a very good day for
>British Car sightings.  The weather has been hot (around 100 degrees) and
>the cars have been out.  I've seen 6 MGB's (2 red chrome, 1 green chrome, 1
>black/silver chrome GT, 1 primrose rubber, and 1 harvest orange rubber
>bumper), 1 blue TR250, 2 blue and 1 red TR6, and a white AH 3000.  That
>doesn't count my own green 71 MGBGT.  Its been very nice to see all these
>british cars on the road today!  Lets keep it like that!!!      Nina

The schedule of British Car week is going to work out very nicely here.  The
Saturday of the Victoria day long weekend is always the All British Field
meet here in Vancouver. Yesterday was no exception.  What a day!!!
You should have been there, it was the best ever!  Twenty T types, including
an absolutely pristine TC driven up from Seattle, and a 1949 one owner car
with original paint and upholstery,  a blue over blue PA and absolutley
SCADS of B's of every shape and condition from trailer queens to beaters to
screamin' meanies, too many A's to count including a full race SCCA prepped
There where the usual plethora of Tri*%ph's, Sunbeams, Morgans (by the
bushell), Jags (including the XK8), Lotus' (Loti?) (including the new  Elite
V8 and a full race `67 Super 7) , Rovers ( Land and other), Bentleys, Rolls
(including a professionally restored custom limo that once belonged to the
president of some small African state and was so big he probably couldn't
turn it around without creating an international incident) and oodles of
others.  There were two, count em', TWO daimler SP-250's, an absolutely
gorgeous `33 Morgan trike, Jowett Jupiter and Javelins, 1930 something race
prepared Riley Special, a `56 AC ACE that looked like it just left the
factory and a `34 Austin 10 with all original paint and upholstery that didn't. 

Over 400 classic British cars in a beautiful botanical garden setting,
hundreds of LBC owners and thousands of fans, picnic lunches with new and
old friends all under a clear blue sky with temperatures in the 20's (C)
preceeded and followed by a cruise in the TC made for an absolutely
fantastic end to BC week. Join us next year!
On to Bellevue!

   ___        \______           Ross MacPherson 
  / __ \ __ /       /------|)
/  (___)---------/ (___)        Vancouver, BC, Canada
 1947 MG-TC 3528                1966 MGB-GT   

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