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Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 14:04:52 -0500
From: "Jim Clark" <jimclrk@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: Items carried 'just in case. . .'
I used to carry a floor jack, come-along, half case of oil, complete
socket/wrench set (including torque wrench), jumper cables, multi-meter,
cordless soldering iron and solder, spare oil filter, lots of electrical
tape, a hundred feet or so of rope, tie wraps (string enough of those
together and you can make a fan belt, make tire chains, tie new
acquisitions to the luggage rack, make hose clamps, or whatever. . .), some
gasket material, and a gallon of water. Oh, and always a frisbee, which
can be used as a water dish for pets, or a parts tray in addition to
putting to its normal use in any open fields. . .
Steve, I know contractors who build homes with less.