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Re: Dumb Questions - '76 Midget

To: "" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Dumb Questions - '76 Midget
From: Trevor Boicey <>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 04:15:45 -0400 wrote:
> Hi folks. New owner of  '76 Midget with a couple of dumb questions.

  There are no dumb questions, just wrong answers that provoke
a flurry of flames on the list. Or something like that...
> 1) I have a dial just above my speedometer (the dial is about 1cm
> across).  It doesn't do anything.  In fact, it doesn't seem to even
> be wired to anything (from a quick grope behind the dash). Is this
> original equipment?  If so, what did it do when it worked?

  That's the dash light intensity dial. It controls how dim
your gauges are. The settings range from off, through the
whole spectrum of uselessly dim, to "just readable". Most
people leave it fully on all the time, some bypass it to
get a little more brightness.

  You need to have the headlights on for the gauges to be
lit anyways, turn on the lights and see if it then does
anything. If it has been bypassed, leave it that way.

> 2) What is "normal - don't go tryin' to fix anything" oil pressure
> for this vehicle.  Mine is as low as 35-40 lbs at idle and as high as
> 60 while running.

  Sounds fine to me. I have a 1000 miles on my new engine and
I do about that. Maybe up to 80 or so while running. Don't panic
unless it gets really low. The oil warning light comes on around
8 lbs I beleive, and that's very low, but even 20 at idle is
> 3) What is normal mixed city/highway gas mileage for a well
> tuned engine?

  Love to know! I get about 500 smiles per gallon, if that

 /       Trevor Boicey         1992 Celica GT    1975 MG Midget     /
`-----  --------...just one more win... go sens!--'

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