wake@DIXIENET.COM wrote:
> 1) Should I go ahead and replace with an OEM fuel pump,
> which is around 95 dollars, or replace it with a similar aftermarket
> fuel pump, and if so, any suggetions?
My CGT is running the best 'universal pump' NAPA sells. It is quiet,
runs (at its outlet) about 7 pounds, and has never given me a lick of
trouble in three years (8K+ miles). It is the 'pump in a can' type
(i.e., the pump looks like a small can with gas line nipples at each end
and two wires coming out of the middle). ($60 at NAPA)
DO NOT buy the little 'universal pump' that is metal, horse-shoe shaped,
with the pump inards inside the middle. Although this pump is fairly
durable, it is very and forever noisey. (Seen as high as $35, worth <
DO NOT buy the 'universal pump' that has the gas in and out at the top
of the pump and has a rather large hangy-down part (looks like a
single-testicle scrotum -- honest) as this is the same type of
trouble-prone reciprocating pump with rubber bladders that wear and
contacts that stick just like the Lucas pump. ($50+)
DO NOT relocate your fuel pump to under the bonnet. Electric pmups blow
better than they suck: Close to the tank is much better than close to
the carbs.
> 2) Does anyone have any suggestions to make the change simpler? Do I
> have to drain the fuel tank etc.?
1) Don't drain tank.
2) Work fast.
3) Block gas line from tank with golf tee
4) Replace all rubber line you find as well as clamps.
5) Install fuel filter between tank and pump
6) Don't smoke (nag) leave garage door open (nag) don't start syphon
with your mouth (nag) use flashlight, not trouble light for this one
> Any advice / assistance would be greatly appreciated, as I would really
> like to get my baby back on the road.
You may have, once again, ignited the great orignal Lucas fuel pump holy
wars and it's you own damn fault. If you wanna buy the original Lucas
pump then knock yourself out.
Don't get sucked into the 'fuel pressure' debate. Noramal SU carbs only
want 3 - 4 pounds of pressure at the carb. Most 'universal fuel pumps'
want to pump out about 7 pounds. Dont fret. The pump delivers 7 pounds
to its outlet which is down behind the right rear tire. It eases to
around 4 pounds by the time it snakes its way forward and up to the
Bob Allen, Kansas City, '69CGT, '75TR6