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Message-ID: <336065E5.3055@stic.net>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 01:05:57 -0700
From: "Vince J. Pujalte" <pujalte@stic.net>
Organization: The Singing Mechanic
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win16; U)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Phil Bates <jello@dns.ida.net>
CC: mgs@autox.net
Subject: Re: Rebuilding Hydraulics
References: <9704250445.AA02676@dns>
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We are glad that you are on the list.
Some things should not be attempted without training.
Brake parts and systems are critically important.
Visit your local Auto parts store and see if they can refer you to a
local Certified Technician who can teach you (for a fee) how to do your
brakes right. Make SURE that the Tech is GM or ASE Certified.
There is no reasonable learning and experimentation curve on your
braking system.
If you were in San Antonio, I would be happy to teach you.
We don't want you to get hurt :).
God Bless,
-Vince (Certified GM Brake Tech)
'78 Midget "Betsy"
San Antonio, Texas