The vacuum switch is just so if your in OD and really put your foot into
it (like to pass) it will automatically drop out of OD. Not really
needed but nice. BTW it was also an option and not all OD equipped cars
have it.
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 1997 12:42 PM
>Subject: overdrive
>HI, I have a 1966 MGB-GT and I have overdrive type D and transmission
>coming to my house and I am
>researching what it will take to install them.
>I cannot find the vacuum switch and have been told that they only used in
>on the early overdrives and then got rid of it.
>I have been told that I really don't need it, can I get another source on
>if this is indead true? I hate to go through all
>this expense and mess up my new overdrive. Can anyone help?
>Tom MItchell
>1966 MGB-GT