Most MGBs run a 165X14 series 78 tire. My preference is a 175X14. A series
60 tire is too low a profile, and will rotate too fast. You dont need a
lower gear ratio in high gear. which is what you are doing with a lower
profile tire. You might also try a 185X 14, but a series 70. This is the
equivilant of a 165X14 series 78. I hope this answers your question.
Skip At 06:11 PM 4/22/97 -0700, Stefanie Davis wrote:
>I know there was some talk awhile back about tire sizes with regards to
>handling, etc. but my dilemma is of a different nature:
>My BGT has the brakes completely off (I'm replacing some bushings in the
>meantime) and I just went to buy some tires today. Problem is, I'm not
>going to be able to get the brakes and such put on until this weekend and I
>have no idea if the tires I bought today will work.
>The originals were 165/60sr14 and (mistakingly) bought 185/60r14 today --
>all four, had them mounted and balanced...I'm afraid they might be too
>wide!! In which case I'll need to take them back tomorrow so they won't
>screw me over with extra charges.
>So, does anyone have any 185/60's on their BGT that works?
>I sure hope so!
>71BGT in the driveway on 4 jackstands (ugh)