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Re: Fram Filter, etc.

Subject: Re: Fram Filter, etc.
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 23:19:58 EDT

Since I received your e-mail this afternoon I had a Juno crash and lost
all of my settings and the contents of my inbox.  Would you please resend
your last post regarding the difference between the defective and the
non-defective spin-off adapter?  I was able to recover the previous posts
but lost that one.

I was able to check my records and I bought my current adapter in August
of 1987.  That likely means I've got the defective one.  I looked in my
Moss MGA catalog and saw a picture of the new version, which looks a lot
cleaner if nothing else.

It really irks me that Moss would sell me a defective product that is
potentially ruinous to an expensive engine rebuild, secretly remove it
from the market, and never inform me!  I've been running with this thing
for ten years thinking my oil was being filtered-- uselessly spending
money and time changing filters when they were doing nothing!

Any product liability lawyers out there looking for a case?  (Talk about
your stupid questions).

Thanks for setting me straight!

David Littlefield
Houston, TX

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