William H. Ball wrote:
> Can anyone help me with this problem? I was at a light in my '75 B when
> the engine stalled...
> When I tried restarting the engine, i could hear the fuel pump clicking
> away before engaging the starter... the engine would then not start after
> engaging the starter... i then smelled gas, quickly turned off the engine,
> and looked under the car... fuel was coming out of the vent tube
> (connected to the running-on-control valve, which is connected to the
> charcoal adsorption canister) and pouring onto the floor!
> i noticed a vapor line from the twin-HIF carbs was disconnected and
> reconnected it... i have not tried restarting the car, as it appears that
> there is definitely gas in the adsorption canister...
Done there, been that. Your needle valve is sticking open, filling your
float bowl and dumping gas through the overflow tube, which goes
directly to the charcoal canister. This also seriously richens the
mixture, stalling the car at idle. The only difference is, I couldn't
even restart the car after this happened! I had to let it sit for an
hour or two and evaporate.
The charcoal canister will take care of itself (excess gas will drain
and the rest will evaporate); give it some time. You can spend that
time disconnecting and removing your carbs, then cleaning out/replacing
the needle & seat (I've done this with the carbs on the car, and I
recommend removing them first!).
You wouldn't happen to be using an aftermarket fuel pump, would you?
Todd Mullins
Todd.Mullins@nrlssc.navy.mil On the lovely Mississippi (USA) Coast
'74 MGB Tourer in pieces (but getting there [slowly])
(witty quote here)