Hi Scott and list:
What do you think of getting some kind of vehicle ID made up? I mean a
bumper sticker (not wonderful), a front license plate plaque like the old
European rally plates, a grille or badge bar badge, or something of this
sort. Even a decent looking windshield sticker might be nice.
Is there anyone on the list that might like to undertake such a project? I
would agree to distribute them to our club (110 members) and would even
consider looking into producing something if there were enough interest.
It might be a great way to commemorate our first, hopefully annual, event.
I would imagine that the design should include the SOL logo and some
descriptive caption. Anyone interested? Does anyone have any expertise
they could put to use re: design, execution, production and distribution?
Let's hear what you think
John McEwen
>Grettings everyone,
>I recently recieved some questions from fellow listers concerning British Car
>Week. I've been handling them individually but figured that maybe I should
>re-send the posting that has been distributed to clubs, newsletters etc...
> One list member asked if this event was being taken seriously? Well I hope
>it is!! I feel that it is high time we have a common week that is devoted to
>all British cars targeted at getting them out on the roads in full force!!
> Mid to late May seems to be a good time to do this, due to weather
>conditions throughout the country. This year May 12 - 18 was chosen.
>This event was concieved from these lists (thank Peter Schauss from the
>Healey list for the idea) and hopefully all of us together can keep this
>event alive. I sent a recent posting to the lists but got very few
>responses. I don't know if they didn't reach all of you due to a Majordomo
>glitch, or if it was bad timing on my part. Sending them right before the
>Easter Holiday may have been a bad move. In any case, if any of you have
>any plans for BC Week with or without a local club, please share them with
>us, we'd like to hear from you. Enough babbling for now.
>See you on the road!!
>P.S. If anyone would be interested in maintaining a web page devoted to this
>event let me know, the rest of us could submit stories and pictures for
>updates from time to time.
>Re: The First Annual British Car Week, May 12-18 1997
>I'm relaying this information to you from the Scions Of Lucas, which is a
>popular British Car enthusiast group on the internet. In recent months,
>topics concerning the future of our beloved old British Cars have surfaced as
>well as discussions concerning an article written by Peter Egan in the March
>issue of Road And Track magazine. In this article Mr Egan mentions that he
>doesn't see old sports cars on the road anymore.
>As a result, we have come up with the idea of an annual British Car Week for
>the sole purpose of promoting and enjoying these treasured automobiles. By
>setting aside an annual week celebrated by enthusiasts of all British car
>marques, we will enhance all aspects of this fine tradition of driving and
>enjoying these cars. This will help ensure continued enthusiasm for these
>cars as one entire group regardless of marque, and allow the rest of the
>world, who do not normally attend British Car events, a chance to see them
>out on the roads in unison.
>The participation of this event is quite simple, just get your British cars
>out on the roads and drive them as much as you can during this week, and feel
>free to continue for the rest of the driving season!
>We are asking all individuals who receive this notification to please promote
>the First Annual British Car Week in whatever way they can.
>Thanks for your participation.
>Any questions regarding this can be directed to:
>Scott Helms
>South Bend, Indiana USA