After too many years of being dormant, Jim Stidham and I are trying to
get the NAMGAR Deluxe register up and running (more than I can say for
my car). Anyway, I would like to encourage anyone on the list who
currently owns a Deluxe to contact us with the particulars of your car.
Also, if you know of anyone in your local club(s) who has a deluxe,
please help us out by passing this message along. We would like to be
able to obtain the vital info on all the Deluxes we can. Depending on
response we could perhaps put a newsletter and even some regalia
together. Jim Stidham will be the primary contact for the register and
he can be reached by mail at 202 Walnut Ln., Clinton, SC 29325, by
phone at (864) 833-1796 (h), (864) 833-8449 (b), and by e-mail at I will be glad to take information as well and can
be reached through the list, by e-mail at, or by phone
at (703) 242 1768. Thanks for your help!!
Michael Eaton
MGA Deluxe
MGA MKII (being vintage-race prepped)