Well, here goes... my opinion (do I hear groans?). I have to agree with the
two Michaels on this one. This list is the most "human" of lists. People
tend to be more outspoken, opinionated, and humorous on this list. I enjoy
it. I've been the brunt of quite a few jokes (granted I brought it on
myself!) and hey, it's like real life, folks, take it all in stride! This
politically correct, super-sensitive, humorless attitude toward life that I
see around me, I find very bland. Hell, I enjoy when my sensibilities are
assaulted and challenged. I fight back. I like the saying "What ever doesn't
kill me makes me stronger". Just driving an MG makes us as a group different,
a bit more daring, if you will. Let's have fun, let's learn, let's keep the
MG and our humor alive! (Patriotic music grows louder as the image fades of
me standing on a soapbox in front of a large flag with the Sacred Octagon
emblazoned on it.)
>>> The Richards <smrm@coastalnet.com> 03/18/97 06:57am >>>
I tried to stay out of this one, but I too am on a number of lists and I think
the assessment of the MG list was bullshit. The main difference between this
list and the others is the level of humor. How can you drive an
MG and not have a sense of humor? I dunno, but it appears that some people are
humor resistant. . . they just don't get it. There is a bit of arrogance in
our feelings toward the marque, but we'd be dishonest if we didn't display it.
When first on lists I used to be dismayed by people leaving in a huff. Now I
just shrug, they'll be back, or they won't, either way, the list goes on, and
so do MGs.
Michael, New Bern, NC