This seems like a perfectly private affair so I'm keeping out of it - but if I
were to say something it might go like this:
Leckstein - You are over reacting man!!! Get a hold of yourself (slap -
Of couse - I'm keeping out of this, it has nothing to do with me and I would
never impose on someone's privacy by making comments on something I know
nothing about...
just a dumb hick from PA.
Dr. Doug
69 C Rdst
69 C GT
69 B Rdst
71 B GT
-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of Leckstein
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 1997 8:52 AM
To: Geoff Love
Subject: Re: The Sacred Octagon/The Bulletin
At 09:39 AM 3/9/97 -0500, you wrote:
>> The terrible thing you did in your post to the list was to make a remark
>> that was unfounded against someone not present to answer.My mother taught
>> me not to talk behind people's backs, and if you can't say something nice
>> don't say it. Your comment in praise of the Octagon Club was fine, and I
>> agree, but it was unnecessary to add an attack on Knudson >>>>SNIP>>>>
>As far as I can understand, I didn't think that I had made any attack on
>Mr. Knudsen personally, merely the content of the magazine. I said, and
>I say again, I am not interested in looking at pictures of Mr Knudsen's
>children or people in fancy dress. That is my opinion of a magazine's
>content, not a personal attack on the editor, and I will continue to
>hold that opinion.
> . Mark Sherman is
>> a friend of mine, and a member of the Register. >>>>SNIP>>>>
>I am pleased for you that Mr. Sherman is a friend of your's although I
>don't quite understand the relevance. Mr Sherman hasn't yet expressed
>his comments to me.
>It was totally uncalled
>> for, and if you are the person I think and hope you are, you should
>> apologize for your remarks to the whole list.
>If my remarks have been mis-construed by your good self and others as a
>personal attack on Mr Knudsen, then I apologise both to you singly, and
>to the list collectively, for my apparant inability to state my opinions
>in a more concise manner. I hope the foregoing closes the matter.
>Geoff Love
I am sorry you took my private post to you public. It exposes a lot of
wounds that are in the past. Your defense of your position of attacking the
magazine not Mr. Knudson, doesn't hold water if you read what you said.
Opinions as David D. expressed, are fine. Its the unwarranted and
gratuitous stabs that get me angry. You could have said simply that the
"Bulletin" was in your opinion a more informative magazine on individual
tech experiences etc, You did not have to take a shot at the TSO or
Knudson and his family.
You omitted the part of my post referring to the fact that Knudson invented
many of the things we all now enjoy in the various aspects of this hobby.
You omitted my reference to the fact that TSO evolved over thirty years
when there was nothing like it, and now its easy to judge it on hindsight.
The TSO has more historical and interesting articles then the "Bulletin"
and for me I wouldn't be without either one. TSO is oriented for the U.S.
with an extensive local club network which it knows compliments the TSO
with local newsletters. It doesn't function as or try to be like the
"Bulletin", or "Safety Fast"
Opinions are fine, but attacks should at the very least be based on facts
rather than rumor or supposition. When some one asks me an opinion on
something that is controversial but mainly hype, I usually defer an opinion
since I don't have the facts. This avoids the mob mentality, and hopefully
justify s the mass we have between our ears. Your reply admits you relied
on rumor etc. as a basis for your opinions..
Dick Knudson is a very sensitive man who has devoted his life to this
hobby. He has generated most of the ideas we now take for granted. (
GOFs.,popular vote and awards at car displays , and driving these cars
over unheard of distances) When Barbara and I did the Circuit of Britain,
we only managed it because of Dicks ideas, enthusiasm and help. When the
group of 200 left from New York on Britair, the airline offered upgrades to
the organizers to first class. I took it and considered it fair for the
thousands of hours we put into the project. Dick refused, as he felt it
would be misunderstood by the rest of the group that was flying like
sardines. He flew like a sardine. I ate caviar.
If you are displeased by TSO and have no interests in other Register events
or trips, or that of your local club, save your $35. But don't destroy,
based on rumor, the reputation of a man and his life's work, just to tell
the list that you like the Bulletin. better. Harry Crutchley would not
approve, he is a good friend of Dick and a fine person. I like him as much
as Dick, and would have said many of the same things about what he has done
for the hobby . I hope this ends it.