On Wed, 26 Feb 1997 18:45:33 +0000 "Drive-by Shooter"
<fsdcr@aurora.alaska.edu> writes:
> ..... There is a company operating out of Rhode Island called
Scarborough Faire, not sure if they are still in business but if they are
I would avoid them like the plague.
> [snip out big gripe]
>Sorry for the long vent, does anybody else know much about this company?
Yep. My sentiments exactly. Pretty much same story, maybe worse. I
ordered one piston, was sent and charged for four, and they refused to
take them back. I was persistent though, backcharged the credit card
(twice), before I got a RA number. Took a year to get it settled.
Plague is right! And I hope someone from S.F. is monitoring this list.
Also had some poor quality parts from them.
Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA