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Re: Names and all that sort of thing -Reply

To: John Crawley <>, mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Names and all that sort of thing -Reply
From: Paul Hunt <>
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 97 15:43:42 GMT
> Geoff:
> My father-inlaw (deceased) flew Spits in WWII. He arrived late for
> the Battle of Br. but did three full tours (93 hrs. of Ops., 305 hrs.
> in Spits, ) all in Spits - 3 kills - and never got a scratch. Ended
> the war in Mustangs (26 hrs.). I have his RCAF flight jacket and a
> copy of his flight log book. 
> My question to you is there a WWII air field still in existance in
> England? I would love to visit one at some time. During training
> Frank flew out of a number of Airfields in Canada and I have visited
> several of these. Some are now farmers fields and others are quite as
> they were in WWII. In Eng. he few from Hawkinge, Twinwood Farm,
> Molsworth, Parrenporth, Friston and others. Also were is the best
> Spitfire display located?
> Thanks
> Godspeed 
> JC
There's a few museums (musea?) about containing aircraft (RAF Cosford in =

Shropshire is a good one, reputed to have a ghost in a Lancaster).  Hawki=
and Lydd were the two front line airfields, Lydd is now 'Kent Internation=
Airport' but the Battle of Britain museum at Hawkinge in Kent is probably=
nearest thing to a WWII airfield, now unfortunately reduced to just a few=
original buildings.  The film 'Battle of Britain' was made there as build=
and airfields were almost intact, and the display includes some 
(non-flying) replica Spitfires made for the film.  Since then, however, =
from said buildings the land has been sold off for building and farming. =
of the features of Hawkinge is the pains the curators have gone to with =
personal lives of the pilots, Allied and Axis, killed in the area.

Some planes are still being dug up, indeed a Spitfire was recoved from =
under a 
mainroad in a coastal town only last year.  Permission was only granted =
records showed that the pilots body had been recovered and buried, but =
excavated the cockpit still contained a body.  

Also in the area, right on top of the White Cliffs, is the Battle of Brit=
memorial.  Amazingly (to me, at any rate), this was only contructed a few=

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