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Re: Kimber trivia...

To: Ross MacPherson <>,
Subject: Re: Kimber trivia...
From: Leckstein <>
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 18:03:21 -0500
At 04:37 PM 2/12/97 -0800, Ross MacPherson wrote:
>At 04:14 PM 2/12/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>   After our man Cecil Kimber 'left' MG, he went to work for
>>   a company that produced auto parts.
>>    Identify that auto part.
>>    Bonus:  What was the name of the company?
>Actually Mr. Kimber had two employers subsequent to his parting with MG.
>The first was with the coachbuilding firm of Charlesworth and then, and I
>think this is the one you're referring to, Specialloid.  The latter firm
>manufactured pistons for the British motor industry.
>Cheers, eh!
>   ___        \______                  Ross MacPherson 
>  / __ \ __ /       /------|)
>/  (___)---------/ (___)       Vancouver, BC, Canada
> 1947 MG-TC 3528               1966 MGB-GT   
 OK, what train station in London was Kimber in , reading a newspaper, when
the last car that he was in derailed and he was killed? 


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