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Re: TC rear hub oil leak

To: (Syl's Sydney Homestay)
Subject: Re: TC rear hub oil leak
From: Ross MacPherson <>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 17:47:29 -0800
At 09:36 PM 1/29/97 +1100, you wrote:
>I have a persistent rear hub oil leak which I tackled again tonight.
>I reckon diff oil is leaking past the oil seal, working its way through the
>axle splines where it force fits into the rear hub. Tell tale signs being
>oil slung to the outer wheel rim after running down the wheel spokes. Not a
>lot but persistent despite replacing the rear oil seal and rear hub gasket
>more than once in an attempt to fix it.


Do you have a copy of Mike Sherrell's book "TC's Forever"?  If not get one, NOW!
On page 106 the issue of leaking rear seals is covered at length. Mr.
Sherril who has had his hands on a goodly number of the TC's in OZ reports
that the problem is not necessarily worn bearings, seal or gaskets but poor
fit due to inconsistant hub extension length.  He maintains the problem can
be rectified easily with the addition of shims between the hub and bearing
carrier.  He notes this was covered in the Factory Service Information Sheet
No. 60 for the TA, SA & VA.  The how of it is that due to poor fit the hub
is allowed to pivot slightly around the axle housing and deform the seal
lip.  This explains why new parts don't do much but slow the leak down.
If you don't have access to the book but want the complete section let me
know and we'll work out some way to get it to you.
On the other hand, kitchen sink stoppers are pretty cheap.

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