Some years ago I was forced to replace the distributor in my wife's Sentra.
$400US. Ouch. Stuff on new cars actually costs MORE than many similar items
on old cars. This is negligible when new cars are still new, but put 8 years
and 70,000 miles on them and I think we're looking at some kinda graph
thingee where an old LBC become MORE efficient than a raggedy-assed (insert
over-engineered modern here). I'm in the process of selling my Grand
Cherokee -- I am washing my hands of moderns. My wife will drive one, but
we'll look about for lease deals like we got for her Audi A4, wherein EVERY
bit of maintenance comes with the lease price. (By the way, did you know
that the A4 supposedly has Lucas parts in it! Really, but I'll never know
for sure cause they hide everything with this plastic engine cover. What are
they afraid of? Anyways, I ain't messin' with it.)
Michael, New Bern, NC