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Re: Taylor tel. #

To: William Zehring <zehrinwa@UMDNJ.EDU>, mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Taylor tel. #
From: Leckstein <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 17:03:16 -0500
At 09:29 AM 1/23/97 -0500, William Zehring wrote:
>Fellow fiends:
>I have elected to licence and insure my vast lbc collection with classic 
>car plates here in NJ.  Advantages include a reduced fee, no need for 
>inspection (I gotta say that the inspection for my M***a, my daily 
>driver, was "cursory" at best, and the car is 6 years old), and a 
>different set of insurance requirements.  The 2500 mile per anum limit is 
>not a problem for me.  So...  after hearing the tesimonials of several 
>list members it sounds like Taylor is a good bet for insurance.  Can 
>someone post to me directly a telephone number for them so I can get the 
>ball rolling?  I understand a personal visit to Trenton is required, 
>insurance, title and registration in hand, before the classic car plates 
>can be issued.  All of this takes time and I have NO intention of missing 
>a single spring driving opportunity.  I've found a local garage that can 
>do appraisals for me.  
>For the record, back in MI I insured both the B and the Mog with Liberty 
>Mutual, as recreational vehicles.  There was no mileage restriction and 
>they never blinked at the thought of writing coverage for them.  The 
>classic plate regulations in MI didn't suit me and besides, regular auto 
>insurance there was about half what I'm dealing with here in the great 
>state of NJ.  It appears our govenor, who is up for re-election this 
>november, has heard the hew and cry of her citizens complaints about the 
>high auto insurance rates an NJ and she has politely suggested that if it 
>is too much we should simply buy less coverage.  "Let them eat cake" is 
>the phrase, isn't it?
>Oh well. 
>Will Zehring
>p.s. spring IS coming; the 24 hour race at Daytona is only 2 weeks off!
Will, I am glad you detected our govs solution to high insurance costs. I
am afraid that most will not see through it.

J.C. Taylors number is 1-800-345-8290

You do not have to go to Trenton for Historic (QQ) plates. In fact the
"Special Plate" office is not in Trenton, or it wasn't last time I needed
them. Call Motor Vehicle and get their number, and request the necessary
forms by mail. Your car must be 25 years old for Historic Plates and at
least 20 years old for Taylor Insurance.


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