Jerry Causey wrote:
> > I use Netscape for a web browser and wonder if theres a well thought out
> > way to save sorted messages from the list as text files for archival.
> >
> > SNIP <
> >
> > Does any one have a method or system that works well. So that maybe you
> > could save all the engine related messages in one directory (or folder
> > or file or ???) and print them with a word processor someday?
> Paul:
> I also use Netscape as my browser,but not the mail or news
> features, simply because I find them both too basic. I use Pegasus
> WinMail ( ), a free shareware, as my
> mail program.
Thanks loads for the tip. I just tried pegasus for the first time and
it saves the email without all that internet address shmegma. It is
just what I needed. Couldnt do that with AOL, Netscape, or Juno. I'll
try some of you're sorting methods after I learn how. Looks like a
robust mail handling piece of software.
Thanks again