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Subject: plates
From: Scott Gardner <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 13:10:15 -0600
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 > From:
> Subject: "British" license plates
> Moss Motors used to sell plates made up using real English blank
> and letters but they have discontinued this service.
> Anyone know where a chap could buy such a plate in the USA these days?
> Lawrie
> British Sports Car Center

I think Brit-Tek has the plates you're referring to.  You can choose
seven raised letters, and the background comes masked so you can paint
it whatever colour you like.

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<DT>&nbsp;&gt; From:<BR>
&gt; Subject: &quot;British&quot; license plates<BR>
&gt; Moss Motors used to sell plates made up using real English blank plates<BR>
&gt; and letters but they have discontinued this service.<BR>
&gt; Anyone know where a chap could buy such a plate in the USA these days?<BR>
&gt; Lawrie<BR>
&gt; British Sports Car Center<BR>

<DT>I think Brit-Tek has the plates you're referring to.&nbsp; You can
choose seven raised letters, and the background comes masked so you can
paint it whatever colour you like.</DT>



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