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Weber Ownership

Subject: Weber Ownership
From: (Thomas J Pokrefke)
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 13:42:32 EST
I have completed rebuilding my new/old Weber DGV and succesfully
installed the carb onto my 'B.  Installation was easy, requiring only a
handful of tools and about an hour of my time.  Rebuilding the carb took
a night to complete.  I was methodical in my rebuild because I wanted to
have a complete understanding of the carb.  

Now that I have everything in place and adjusted, the carb works fine,
save one quality.  There is a hesitation upon accleration.  This occurs
only at low engine speed (around 1100 rpm).  The engine will either die
or continue on after a split-second delay.  This occurs regardless of
engine temperature.  Is this normal for a Weber?  If not, where should I
direct my attention?

Thanks in advance,

Thomas James Pokrefke, III
1970 MGB

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