On Sat, 11 Jan 1997 15:42:06 -0800 David Littlefield <dmeadow@flash.net>
>> From: Alan Pfau <apfau@ismi.net>
>> Subject: Value Of MGB-GT-V8 In The U.S.
>>In response to an old thread from last year regarding how much an
original was >>included in the auction of the Gene Ponder MG collection
in Texas...
>> liquidation of a rather extensive MG collection, including many
pre-war types.
>> Did anybody happen to go to it?
>> Regards
>> Alan Pfau
>Yes, Alan, I attended. I even went with the idea of buying a car. Boy,
was I surprised. >The prices that were paid for some of the cars would
boggle the mind, particularly >since a lot of the restoration work on
those cars was not the best. Don't get me >wrong, there were a lot of
nice cars, but the prices paid were for pristine examples,
>David Littlefield
This is interesting to me as I have an ex-Gene Ponder MGA mkII. He owned
it in 1979. I obtained it from a feller down on the Buffalo River in
Arkansas. He had purchased it from an Iowan who had imported it from
Texas. It's restored condition matched your description, David. It's a
roadster, chassis No. GHNL2 / 100694. Does anyone know it? I'm curious
to know more about Mr. Ponder also.
David F. Darby
Missouri Ozarks