On Mon, 6 Jan 1997, David Deutsch wrote:
> This, from a gas tank welder? NEVER WELD A GAS TANK!!! By the way I got
> an ear full from Joe Curto, at a recent Holiday Party we both attended,
> about your reprinted "Commonly Asked Questions". He wasn't laugh'n, So
> I'm not the only one who is misunderstood, sometimes.
Guess I better not send him any carbs. I'd think you would need a sense
of the ridiculous to restore SUs. Ah, well, my university is thinking of
hiring as president a woman who does not like Dilbert. I am just destined
to suffer.
Ray Gibbons Dept. of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics
Univ. of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT
gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu (802) 656-8910