Ok, I am a little late with this but:
PCs are great for heavy duty text work, and I find MACs more useful for
graphics work. The PowerMAC is great at graphics and faster at them then
PCs (the new Pentium MMX chip may make this statement untrue). I use
PhotoShop on a MAC and it flies, but when I use it on my PC, well it is a
little slower.
The bottom line is, MACs have their niches and PCs have their niches. It
isn't really a matter of which is better, but of what the end-user likes
I like my PC better than any MAC I ever used.
Kai M. Radicke -- mowogmg@dynanet.com
1966 MGB -- http://www.dynanet.com/~mowogmg
Home email -- mowogmg@dynanet.com
Work email -- webmaster58@juno.com
Other email -- webking@bigfoot.com