In a message dated 97-01-03 20:21:20 EST, you write:
<< What are the different purposes/advantages/benefits of each of the
organizations and what is your recommendations as to which ones to join.
NAMGAR (for your MGA), has a very nice bi-monthly publication. The club
offers a lot of history, fun stories, tech tips, updates on club outings,
just to name a few. An extremely good source for anyone with an MGA project.
It's pretty much the heart of all the MGA clubs in North America. For the
$25 anual fee, the value is immeasurable.
I do feel that Scions Of Lucas definately rates at the top of my list for
infomation, you can pick a topic and presto within a short period of time,
you have multiple answers,
it just bogles the mind. I wish I had been on these lists two years ago when
I was first starting on my MGA!
I belong to a local British Car club, (Michiana Brits) which is good for
local club outings, and tech sessions, but also belong to one select national
club for each of the marques that I own, simply to keep abreast of what is
going on in other areas as well as other important information, history, tech
tips, etc..that they cover. Belonging to more than one national club (per
car model) might be a bit much for me.
Scott in Northern Indiana TRMGAFUN@AOL.COM
1958 MGA HDA4346400 NAMGAR
1958 TR3A TS35306L VTR
1958 100/6 BN4L 0 49881 AHCOA (pending)