Leckstein wrote:
> At 08:00 PM 1/2/97 -0500, Michael P. Ohleger wrote:
> >All,
> >
> >Excuse me. I joined this list a few weeks ago, and as a member of other
> mutual interest
> >lists, I know what "netiquette" is. I apologize if I haven't introduced
> myself, but I
> >didn't think that was a necessity. I'll tell you that using colorful
> language
> >(especially from youngsters) is unpleasant as is inter-list flaming. I
> suggest if *we*
> >have an axe to grind with someone then take it off-list. I'm here to
> listen and learn,
> >and not subject myself to low brow chatter - that belongs on alt.binary.*
> newsgroups.
> Michael I fully agree. Perhaps its me, but I find that this list has
> changed somewhat over the last four or five months. While humor and
> silliness always was present, and threads really became silly (MOWOG etc)
> the tone was always civil, the humor usually tongue in cheek, and no one
> seemed to write simply to provoke an outburst.
> Don't get me wrong, the list is still great, and interesting, funny, and
> historical information continues to come forth ( the flying wedge, British
> plates etc) However, I for one don't care for the challenges, bad language
> and infantile outbursts. I am no censor, and my language can match any
> sailor at times, but the net and this list is not the place for it.
> I am afraid that what has happened, is that although the majority on the
> list do as I do and ignore much that is impolite and distasteful, the list
> is now so large that a relative few respond to these postings, but there
> are enough to keep this tone and form of response going. That is too bad.
> The recent comment that even David has become a diplomat , is a telling
> remark. In fact David has toned down and I would guess for the same reason.
> The posts have gotten too raw, and David is interested in the cars.
> The best way to redirect the list to the way it was is to ignore those who
> abuse it. I will ignore comments contrary to what I just said and apologize
> to those who feel offended. None the less I miss Denise, the High
> Priestess, who would never had allowed this to have happened. Please lets
> be civil, have fun, kid a little, and talk about the cars.
> Mike Leckstein
Here! Here!
I totally agree. If I want to here AND see the 'nattering naybobs of
negativism' I'll just watch the news on TV.
I have enjoyed the banter, learned a bit, and hopefully contributed some
to the expansion of this list.
Fortunately, there is very little of the offensive. Let's move on the
'offense' and 'win one for the gipper'....or is that zipper. Sometimes
the LBC's could use one and sometimes our mouths could too.
Happy New Year!
52 TD