Kai Radicke wrote:
> Well, anyway, which is better MG or TR, please provide facts and not
> opinions,
> (This should jumpstart the list),
> Kai M. Radicke -- mowogmg@dynanet.com
> 1966 MGB -- http://www.dynanet.com/~mowogmg
Define 'better'? The TR6 is probably a better 'line' car ... with six
cylinders, it's probably a little quicker. My buddy down the street has
a very, very early TR6 (so early it's hard to distinguish it from a TR5)
(make that TR250 for those of you here in the States) and on most days,
he can smoke me pretty badly in my B. On the other hand, I think the B
handles better and, overall, looks better.
Plus, MG people are more fun and don't have that holier-than-thou
attitude that TR6 people usually have at shows. And that's a fact, now,
not an opinion. :)
75 MGB 'Rags'