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RE: BOUNCE mgs: Non-member submission from [Bill Schleusner <b-schleusne

To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: BOUNCE mgs: Non-member submission from [Bill Schleusner <>]
From: Randy Rees <>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 1996 13:46:32 -0800
Maybe He didn't back down, but was just tired of his car being hit by
broken pieces of spoke :)

>>>Finally he decided that maybe this LBC was a
>little quicker than he thought and had scared himself silly during a double S
>curve and decided to quit.
>>> lo and behold half of the
>spokes had been ripped away from the wheel.  
>>From Bill Schleusner (only here by the Grace of God)
>Texas Instruments Incorporated

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