You have completely explained the *many* good reasons for you decision to
move aol to the digest. You have handled the problems. You have
corrected the *mess* that Dan Hughes Day got us into. YOU ARE DOING A
WONDERFUL JOB!!!!! Please ignore imature, self-centered whinners, whatever
service they use to access the web.
We have all learned something from this DHD thing. This weekend my
provider (UofTexas, TEA) is going to be updating some hardware and will
be down for the whole weekend. I will unsubscribe on Friday a.m. to make
sure I don't cause you any problems.
Tnank you for all you do for the LBC fellowship.
On Thu, 12 Dec 1996, Mark J Bradakis wrote:
> You know, I thought this wasn't going to be that big a deal. The basic
> calculation went like, say, I spend around 20 hours per month dealing with
> list errors, about 25% of that due to AOL subscribers on the 4 big real-time
> lists.
> That's 5 hours per month of my spare time taken up by some of the 289 AOL
> people, out of 7,130 total subscribers ( 4.03 percent) on all of the 27 lists.
> Four percent of the people, causing one quarter of my workload. I could move
> them to the digests, drastically cut the returned errors, and have an extra 5
> hours a month to work on one of my cars, or get that catalog started, or
> whatever. You know. like sleep. It really is 4 am, and I really do want to
> go home to bed.
> So, I move the 287 people from the 4 busy lists to the digests, joining the
> 305 aol folks already getting the digest mode. I figure no major problem,
> more aol folks are already on the digests than I'd move, so there aren't any
> real technical issues.
> What do I get? A barrage of
> "The *digest*?? My heavens, man, my life is RUINED! Oh, woe, how can you
> DO such a cruel and thoughtless thing to me, you cad!"
> So much for getting that 5 spare hours this month!
> But I do not manage these lists to make a point about your typical aol user.
> I manage these lists because I am, I have been, and I will continue to be
> committed to using the power of this technology to help make the sports car
> experience we all cherish available to the world. And an unfortunate fact
> is that the world contains ungrateful, loudmouth, immature, whining idiots.
> And lots of bad software, as well.
> Luckily it also contains a fair number of folks that actually appreciate the
> effort I put into this scheme, and have said so both publicly on one of the
> four lists affected, or in personal mail to me. And luckily the world also
> contains people dedicated to something useful, like me and these lists.
> If you are an aol subscriber on a digest, and have not been able to deal with
> it, and want to be on the real-time list, send mail to:
> In your message, put in the following four words, and nothing but the
> four words:
> unsubscribe name_of_digest
> subscribe name_of_list
> Now, I imagine you can figure out that you should replace name_of_digest with
> one of the following, as appropriate:
> ax-digest
> british-cars-digest
> mgs-digest
> triumphs-digest
> And, name_of_list should be replaced with the appropriate string from these
> following choices:
> autox
> british-cars
> mgs
> triumphs
> And I *strongly* suggest you don't let your mailbox overflow in the future.
> mjb.