Does this make my B even more of an
>Anglo-American-German-Swedish-Japanese bastard (along with my Porsche
>seats, GM HEI distributor, NGK sparkplugs, SAAB "mushroom" PCV valve,
>and Volvo SUs)?
>Jerry Causey
I tell ya you got one hell of an f'n cool car...I mean diversity is the
spice of life.....well ain't it. I mean it ain't like those of us who
appreciate the wonderfully titilating quirkiness of our
convaninces(sp)..(read/mechanical friends)...are exactly every day well are
I don' know just a finals thought...any other students/Mg'rs heading into
finals week feel free to drop me a line privatly (I can't spell) so as to
frighten those members on the list by reminding them of days happily gone
Al Hansen