Porsche 944 is the only car to fit the category. Repairs through parts from
Hemming dealers aren't that bad, but you must fix yourself or find a Porsche
mechanic who moonlights. A recent clutch repacement was $450 for parts and $400
for labor. Cost of parts alone from Porsche dealer exceeded that. Their cost to
install would make a dent in the national debt. If you have $7000, don't spend
more than 6000, and keep $1000 for repairs. Make sure the timming belt has
recently been replaced or deduct $500 when you buy. Expect a car with at least
80000 miles on it. Good luck. (we have two by the way and maintance has
$1500 per year each. My sons who have them are 21 and 18) They sure attract the
women, there is always some gorgeous creature in the passenger seat with one of
Mike Leckstein