On Fri, 29 Nov 1996 13:09:38 -0600 (CST) Andy wrote-
> In the interests of not offending anyone, I should recommend
>that anyone who may not take kindly to "adult" language not read this
>post. I wasn't intending to write anything that the average American would
>take offense to, but I'm not sure what might be inappropriate to some
>of our non-American scions.
> In a conversation with a friend the other day, a certain British slang
>phrase came up. I was asked to define the phrase, but I couldn't. I know
>what it means in a technical sense, but I couldn't produce a definition
>that captured all of the color and character the term generally includes.
> Is there anyone out there eloquent enough to give a proper description
>of what "buggering off" entails? If anyone haas comments not fit for
>general circulation, please E-mail me directly.
*******************end of original**************************************
Hi Andy,
* sensitive types ought to 'bugger off' and read no further* Heh-Heh!
The Concise, Macquarie Dictionary.[for use in Australian English,]
defines the term,
"bugger off"-to remove oneself; depart -'interjection'-a strong exclamation
of annoyannce, disgust etc.
"go to buggery"-go away; leave me alone.
"like buggery"-considerably.
"off to buggery"- 'a' considerably off course
'b' in error
'c' astray
'd' a long way away
"bugger all"-nothing
"play silly buggers"-to engage in time-wasting activities and frivilous
If you read this far, I just know you arn't offended. ;-)
Regards to all.