Boy oh boy, I question the list's enthusiasism in an attempt to
motivate and get 25 hate notes (several support memos also). Now I get
a peice published in, what I concider to be, one of the two finest MGB
Newsletters in the world and 3 people, on this list, have something
nice to say. Thank you Wayne Kube, Bob Skillman and Alan Raynes who
phoned me from York, Maine to tell me how much he enjoyed it. I'm
forgetting one other but he knows who he is. Safety Fast, David
>You wrote
>David -
> Meant to tell you this sooner. Great article!! You ol' softie,
>Wayne Kube
>Plano, TX
>David Deutsch wrote:
>> I wrote an article on just this topic which is in the latest issue
>> North American MGB Register's "MGB Driver". It is called "Spousal
>> Arousal" and it deals with getting your mate interested in your LBC
>> fedish. Safety Fast, David Deutsch