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RE: Powder Coating WW

To: <>
Subject: RE: Powder Coating WW
From: Ernest <>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 96 13:49:16 -0800
Larry -

Had that misconception when I first sent stuff to powder coat and masked 
threads carefully. Now for an external thread I place a junk nut on the thread 
before coating and back it off after. Internal threads I chase with a tap after.

Seems to me that the spoke nipples would tighten ok but if loosened would leave 
an uncoated area. Otherwise should be ok. Real problem would seem to be tuning 
them literally since the easiest way is to strike the spoke and listen to the 
ring. With powder coat ring would probably be dead and striking it would stand 
a chance of chipping.

But better experts than I have done it so perhaps I'm laboring under another 
misconception. Any other comments from the list?


From:   <>
Sent:   Wednesday, November 27, 1996 12:54 PM
To:     <>
Subject:        Powder Coating WW


There has been some discussion on the list
about powder coating wire wheels ... at first
this seemed like a great idea ... but then it
hit me ... wouldn't the powder coating prevent
future tunning?  IOW, wouldn't the powder
coating fill the threads on the spokes? Do
you think you could adjust a spoke once the
threads were powder coated?

>Safety Fast ... Larry

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