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Re: mismatched gauges

Subject: Re: mismatched gauges
From: "Christopher M. Delling" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 12:38:53 -0500 wrote:
> Every gauge in my B is a Smiths except for the speedometer which is a Jaeger. 
> I
> know they frequently used up the old stock on the line before moving onto the
> new ones, so is this a normal occurance? The hub that covers the gauge's 
> is different and it does have a different appearance at night.  But it works, 
> I'm happy. Does anyone else have this sort of mix-and-match dash, or is my car
> extremely rare, and therefore much more valuable ;).
> Joseph
> '67 Roadster
> (Future founder of the MG mismatched gauge registry?)

Not to burst your bubble, but have you owned the car since new?  If not, 
I would suspect that a P.O. replaced a faulty gauge somwhere along the 


Chris Delling
77B (Fergie)

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