I've got a question, and hopefully some MG historian out there may have the
Last night I was perusing an original sales brochure for my car (1972
MGBGT). Among the specs it was listed as having an aluminium bonnet. I was
under the impression that the alum. bonnet was replaced in the late 60's by
the steel version for all B's and BGT's. I know that when I aquired mine, it
had a steel bonnet, but I also knew it had been involved in a minor
altercation with a hunk of Detroit iron so whether it is the original bonnet,
I have no idea.
My question is, when was the alum. bonnet replaced by the steel, and on
which models (if not all).
Gosh I'd hate to think that BL in their wisdom(?) let a typo get by on the
brochure, for surely they knew what was on the car - right?
Rick Morrison