I'm sure this is one of those things that new list members always ask about,
and I had told myself I WASN'T going to post a message like this. I've been
seeing MOWOG all over the list lately, and I had kept my promise until now.
Unfortunately for you folks, I noticed yesterday that the danged word was
indelibly cast into the pipe that goes over the intake manifold on my 74 B.
Since then it's been taunting me like the Telltale Heart, and I was up until
3:00 this morning with a die grinder trying to remove it (just kidding about
that last part--I'm not THAT crazy!). I AM convinced, however, that it is
secretly enjoying the fact that it has me puzzled. If no one will tell me
what it means, will you at least advise me whether my engine performance
will suffer if I file those spiteful letters off the pipe? Also, does MOWOG
appear on any other parts of my car (I don't want to be taken by surprise
again next time!). Thanks in advance for any assistance!
Mike Powell
Charlottesville, VA
PS My apologies if the answer is posted somewhere I could find it without
bothering everyone...