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Re: Hey Deutsch! Bite-Me! -Reply -Reply

To: tom.w.wagner@Central.Sun.COM,,,
Subject: Re: Hey Deutsch! Bite-Me! -Reply -Reply
From: Dan Hughes <>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 11:17:20 -0500


 You said:
>Also, if a cat PEEed in my car after working on the interior
>I would be thourghly PISSED OFF as well.

In that case: 
if a cat PISSED in my car after working on the interior,
would you be thourghly PEEed OFF as well?

Just curious... ;^)

Tom Wagner Houston, TX. '67 MGB

> From Fri Nov 22 09:09 CST 1996
> X-Authentication-Warning: majordom set sender to
owner-mgs using -f
> Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 09:56:27 -0500
> From: Dan Hughes <>
> To:,
> Cc:
> Subject:  Hey Deutsch! Bite-Me! -Reply
> Having read your rambling diatribe, I take more exception to your statements
> than David's.  If you thank God for this STUPID list, then quit comparing
> to Japanese cars (I own a Honda but no one on this list knew that till now);
> blasting the rubber-bumpers (they are still an MG) And,  why is this list
> Safety Fast and All Due Respect,
> Dan
>  > >>> Robert Allen <> 11/21/96 11:23am >>>
> David Deutsch wrote:
> >  > I'm watching the list for almost a year now and am finding patterns.
> > There are only a handful of real enthusiasts out there...   <snip out
> long, self-serving, opinionated drivel>
> > Safety Fast, David Deutsch
>  > David,
>  > Does the term 'bite-me' have any deep meaning for you? I think you've
finally  > bent over that wing mirror one too many times. Where do you get off
getting on
>  your soapbox thinking that there is some sort of right of passage for a
>  mailing list about these stupid cars? Doesn't just the fact that we're here
 > qualify all of us as enthusiasts?
>  > I moved to the midwest 9 years ago and gave up motorcycles for MGs. Less
> to  eat and, when the SO comes along, there's something to twist other than
> the  throttle. These are basically dirt simple cars conceived with a few
> ideas  that are older than I am. They aren't particularly competitive in any
> measureable  field and just about anything from Japan makes a better
> transportation appliance.  But, then again that's their charm. Tremendous
> pride of ownership: History,  memories, the "I fixed it" factor, the
> comraderie of running with a group, the  pride of owning a classic. After
> finish the payments on a Z28 you own a fast  used car; an MG is just as
> desirable now as the day you bought it.
>  > I haven't driven my car since October 20th. I shut her down wet and dirty
> after  600 miles of playing in the boonies. Want to read about it? Go to  > and click on the picture.
> So if I commute in my Dodge Dakota I'm not an  enthusiast? Again, BITE-ME!
>  > I get pissed because in this town of a 750,000+ people and an MG Car Club
> over  350 members, I have a hard time scrounging up a dozen cars to make a
> mile  round-trip overnight. Purpose of trip -- cause the roads are crooked.
> Takers --  few. But we can get 100+ MGs out to sit in a parking lot and brag
> about paint  jobs and car wax to compete for some wall plaques that are
> less than $20.
>  > But again, so what. I *really like* some of those people that keep their
> as  shrines to their anal-retentiveness. I'm thankful I live in a country
> has  such wealth and diversity. And I'm thankful for this stupid list so I
> hear  about other people who like to go out and drive their cars -- and fix
> them too.
>  > I like my car because it is rare, I can fix it, it has a wonderful sound,
> it  can drive me into trouble anytime I'm not paying attention. The purists
>  damned, the car ain't stock and it's my money and I like it fine. The paint
> is  worn-out, the interior is in shambles, and it can get deathly hot
> But  the stuff that turns and bounces is in tip-top shape and as long as the
> tach is  pushing 4 grand none of that other stuff really matters. Oh, and
> been  known to powerslide around a few dirt roads (myth: you can't go fast
> enough  to out run the dust.) Want to see the beast? Go check out  >
> It ain't a bad looking 20 footer. And, when underway, few get that close.
>  > Personally, I think 'B's are boring, Midgets are a hoot, 'A's are
beautiful  > performance bimbos, and 'T' owners are loons (they don't GO!).
And there ain't
>  nothing collectable about a rubber-bumper anything but, I'll concede, they
> make  the best daily drivers. And they made MGs before the War but who
> they made  baby buggies too and you can't drive them either. But that is
> my opinion and  the only person who thinks its valuable is me. And I am so
> very glad there is  such a diversity in enthusiasm or the car shows would be
> really boring and I  would never learn much.
>  > A lot of the stuff that passes across this list is of little direct
> to  me. But all of it is about MGs (clever coincidence) and I like checking
>  several times a day to catch the chatter. I learn a few things and I can
> dream of  doing thinks that my life won't let me (Alaska comes to mind). I
> will only  respond to technical stuff when I can say I've been there. And
> not generally  willing to leap on my soapbox and spew forth subjective
>  > And I ain't an old timer on this stupid list either. Maybe a few months.
But I
>  just figured there might be some of the more timid list readers that check
>  here from time to time and they might now think they don't belong. So for
> them  I'll go on record to say all folks are thankfully welcome -- even
> with  stupid, inane, self-serving, caustic, denigrating, and, generally,
> opinions.
>  > I hate cats, too.
>  > ;^P***********************************
>  > Bob Allen, Kansas City, '69MGC/GT
>  > --
> *** Please assume all lines end with smiley face emoticon :-)
> *** unless passage contains improbable anatomical action phrases
> *** in which case the raspberry emoticon can be implied ;^P***
>  >  > 

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