Mark Jurras wrote:
> > Reply-To: William Eastman <>
> >
> > Actually, Mark, I drive Hondas and we all know that they have developed
> > the internal combustion engine to a point that absolutely nothing gets by
> > the rings.
> My company produces engine componants. Camshafts, Roller Tappets,
> Bearings. We do a lot of wear analysis. You are fooling yourself if you
> believe that nothing gets by the rings. The resson
> >
> > Seriously. The Mobil 1, in my opinion, look dirty faster than regular oil
> > does. I believe that this is because it doesn't leave all of that garbage
> > behind in the engine.
> All detergent oils carry the dirt to the filter. It is the detergent
> not the oil base. It looks dirty mainly because of blow-by. Look at how
> long transmission oil lasts because of no combustion by products.
> I agree on the break-in issue.
> Mark
> 67 BGT
> Various American Iron cause I don't want to work at McDonalds for a living.
this is true your oil will need changing because of the contamination.
when i was in the navy (oh great here he goes) the submarine i was on
had the original gear oil in that it had when it was built. every six
months the ion exchangers were flushed and that was it the oil will be
in there untill the day the sub is decomissioned. it still lubricates.
it is the foriegn particles that cause wear.
just my 50th of a dollar