I have 50's ZA's(56?) and ZB's(58)
I have been wanting to restore for years and finially may start this winter.
Any suggestions for parts suppliers, manuals on these particular cars. Also
any information on these cars.
Series ZB
Car No. KAB43/18579
Engine No. BP15HGC/619
2) Series ZA
Car No. KAC43/15790
Engine No. BP14GA/15688
Quite by accident this is a car my father bought in Kansas City, Mo.
in 1958, I drove it in high school in 1966-1968, we sold it when we moved
from Colorado in 1968. Of course at the time I didn't want to drive it I
wanted his 66 B.
A few years ago a man from Colorado called me and asked if I wanted my car
back and I said I couldn't afford it. He said come get them and the spares.
So me and my friends headed out with trucks and three trailers and brought
them back. Price Zero!!
3) Series ZB
Car No. KAJ34/30410
Engine No. 16GAU 23308
Any cross reference manuals for Glass or parts? How much of the MGA engine,
transmission and brake system parts can I use?
Thanks for any help in advance!
Terry Morton
Santa Fe, N.M.