Nick Pitt wrote:
> Alberto,
> None of these things are hard except actually getting the crinkle
> finish on the paint. My car is a '73 but I don't believe ther are any
> substantial differences. You will need to drop the wheel as it is bolted at
> the top end to the dash. Do support the wheel with something , to avoid
> stress lower down the shaft at UJs etc.. The frame around the insruments
> unscrews from behind. (this is obvious once the dash is out. The chrome on
> the glovebox lid eases off very gently with a screw driver. Be very careful,
> you don't want to bend this. I had all the parts blast cleaned to get a good
> surface to paint on. I think this is worth it as any surface imperfections
> can still show through even a crinkle finish.
> Now comes the hard part. All the crinkle finish paints that I have come
> across only give that finish if they have been allowed to cure at a fairly
> high temperature. I did mine in the kitchen having warmed it up by having
> both ovens on with the doors oipen for some time (turn them off before you
> start painting of course!) This gave me an OK finish but I would recomend
> waiting for a good hot summers day and doing it then.
> Otherwise follow the instructions on the tin and happy crinkling!
> Nick ('73 roadster)
> ----------
> From: mgs-owner
> To: MG List
> Subject: MGB dashboard
> Date: 12 November 1996 14:05
> -- [ From: Alberto Manganini * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
> I'm planning to respray my '65B dashboard, and obviously, to achieve a good
> finish, I have to remove it.
> - Is it difficult to do?
> - Do I need to remove the (original) steering wheel?
> - How does Moss' "Wrinkle Paint" work? Is it suitable for a full respray, or
> is it intended for small touch ups only?
> - How to take away the chromed glovebox lid finisher and the frame around
> the main instruments area?
> Thanks for your invaluable help
> P.S. Sometimes (only sometimes) my flashing lights and stop-lights stop
> working. I traced the awful schematics in the Heynes Manual, and found that
> their only junction is in the fusebox, so I dismounted it and give it a good
> clean. Now they're working, and hope they'll go on. Could it be something
> else?
> Cheers
> --
> ________________________________________
> Alberto Manganini -
> Mag Moda New s.r.l. - Italy
> ________________________________________
> "Virgin Wool Comes From Ugly Sheep"
I agree that wrinkle finish paint can be a challenge and
recommend, in addition to your advice, warming up the dash prior to
spraying and curing with a blow dryer. The chrome stripe on the glove
box can be taped over to prevent damage in removal. Alberto, We can
supply paint and any other parts you amy need for restoration.
Joelle BMC ORIGINALS (860)738-3339