No comment on this one. Allright maybe one comment:
I think FORD sucks now matter what car companies it owns, BMW is a good
owner for MG. FORD has taken the AM DB7 and made it look just like the Jag
XK8, wait maybe they took the XK8 and made it look like the DB7. Now
imagine if they owned MG and Triumph. Would you MGers want an MG that
looks like a TR, I think not.
Kai M. Radicke --
1966 MGB --
> From: The Richards <>
> To:
> Subject: Real MGs/FORD
> Date: Monday, November 11, 1996 1:10 PM
> Just wondering, given the Ford families evident interest in MGs, would we
> (MG enthusiasts) have been better of if FORD had bought Rover, rather
> BMW? How might it have weighed out? BMWs perfomance consiousness vs.
> obvious interest in an American market? Mmmmm. . .
> Michael, New Bern, NC