Now you have gone and disturbed me even more then I already was. Just
caught wind of your "ugly, rubber bumper MGs" comment. I turned my back
for a day and a half and your throwing stacks at my heart. WARNING: I'm
doing an awful lot of traveling next year and N.C. is without a doudt a
stop on the list along with Chicagoland territory. I'm calling it
"David's good will tour, with a twist". Upon shaking Barney's hand
yesterday he grabbed my wrist and said "heard you were Doctor Death" he
was checking for a pulse. If I had cut myself he would have found
Lucasade running thru my vein. This is what makes my actions so
unpredictable. When people start knocking on my cars rubber bumpers, I
have a tendancy to over medicate and by the time the MDs balance me out
I have like 3 additional LBC in the driveway. If this should happen due
to your upsetting me I'll be the least of your problems cause my wife
will kick your butt from your house to west of the MISSISSIPPI. I'm all
finished now so you can go back to what you were doing. Safety Fast,
David Deutsch