Phil Bates wrote:
> >1) Those who want an MGF or MGR and can afford to import one.
> >2) Those who want an MGF or MGR and can't afford to import one.
> >3) Those who don't give a rip about post 1980 MG's.
> >
> >Since I don't currently own an MGR, you can guess which category I lie in.
> >However, if and when this changes, you aren't getting my '72!
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >J
> >
> >
> There are also those that don't give a rip about post '74 (or in extreme
> cases post'67) MGs.
> Phil Bates
Well, crap! This could go on forever! I know of people who don't give a flip
any post-war B's... :)
I just was raising the issue of the seemingly rarely-mentioned
MGR. From what I've seen (which isn't much), it looks as though it's a much
compliment to earlier B's than the MGF, and no one ever talks about it. Why is
Are there just too few out there to mention? Do they just look pretty, but in
they, well...umm, suck? What's the deal?