At 03:28 AM 11/4/96 +1100, you wrote:
>Of the 10,000 TC's manufactured - How many do you reckon still exist
>throughout the world?
Hi Paul,
I have no hard data on this subject but I think we'd all be surprised to
find out exactly how many there still are.
Our little club "The Vancouver Pre `56 MG Touring and Grazing Society" has
at least seven and I personally know of two more in town that are not on the
road but undergoing perpetual restoration. There are undoubtedly more
stashed away in garages around here. I have no reason to think Vancouver is
exceptional in its LBC / population ratio.
I'd love to know the exact number. I attribute the surprising longevity and
resilience of the TC to it's wonderful propensity to rustproof itself.
Those MG engineers thought of everything!
___ \______ Ross MacPherson
/ __ \ __ / /------|)
/ (___)---------/ (___) Vancouver, BC, Canada
1947 MG-TC 3528 1966 MGB-GT