Hi Barney,
First thanks for the info on Redi-Strip. I'm still not sure what to do.
The nearest
Redi-Strip is Cleveland, 200 miles away. I might go the bead blast route.
As to your 1500 engine needs -.I have some leads . I had a 1500 rebuilt
for my
roadster, but discovered later it didn't have the tach drive. The # is
and its probably from a Metropolitan! Anyway I ran with this engine until I
another engine. Now the one engine is under my workbench. I have a lot of $
this engine so you probably aren't interested in it. HOWEVER, here in
we have a British Car Repair class on Tuesday nights & last Tuesday a B guy
was trying to unload a 1500 engine on me. His name is Jim Pelletteri
(716-681-8955) . If you want I'll get details tomorrow and get back to you.
There is also a guy ,Jerry Kohlbacher, who runs MGA Particles (717
He is very good and reasonable. If your in the Chicago area ,Steve Krantz
sold me
some A parts also quite reasonable (630-553-9023).
Take care,
Jim Black 57 roadster
58 coupe