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Re: Monza Exhaust

To: Robert Hughes <>
Subject: Re: Monza Exhaust
From: Bill D <>
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 1996 20:38:02 -0400 (EDT)
On Wed, 4 Sep 1996, Robert Hughes wrote:

> I am thinking about installing a Monza Exhaust System on my 80MGB. One
> catalog, TRF, states "system may require some bending, filing and fitting".
> What can I expect?

>From what I understand, my local British Parts Guy, British Racing Green
of Newark, Delware, will not sell Monza exhaust systems.  They'll sell you
one if you want, but they'll try to talk you out of it.

Seems *many* of their customers have been disappointed by the fit and
quality of Monza products.

'71 MGB (daily driver)

--  (Bill D)
"Yesterday, apropos of nothing, one friend said to me 'Do you ever have
days where you just want to get everyone you know together in one place,
have them all take off their clothes, and let nature take its course?'" 
--Susan Groppi

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